Dee is a visual artist and author of The Bad Seed, Dropping Ecstasy With The Angels, Stealing Heaven From The Lips Of God, and Visions Of The Drowning Man. He has been trekking Europe for three years and "intends to carry on until his legs or his heart wears out (or until he runs out of money)." Visit his site, buy his merchandise, or download his books. |
© 2009 Dee Sunshine
dAdA scrambled: too late this night.
No you to superglue the bits together
so, destined to drift aimless,
thru’ the remaining years
razorblades and pills
undecided & too scared.
An emotionless voice in my head
plays in an endless loop:
Why kill time when you can kill yourself?
who you are fucking tonight,
this night,
as the bed beckons:
empty and unforgiving...
If there was someone, anyone:
doesn’t matter who...
Just someone to hold my hand,
stroke my fingers till I fall asleep
till the blankness swoops down
and devours me/ till I am deVOID
of all these X-S emotions.
Kurt Schwitters is building
a random construct
in my small intestine:
not that I am exactly hurting,
not that I am missing you...
not even the bitter musk scent
from the crook of yr neck...
or the soft contours of yr belly...
or the wry twist of yr smile...
or the ink stains on yr fingers...
or the wistful look in yr left eye
when you waxed euphorically,
full of bitter-sweet one-days.
No, I never loved yr idiosyncrasies,
I never swooned with lust
to the lyre-song
of yr own peculiar idiolect.
This is false memory:
out to destroy the delicate balance
of my being-here-now-ness.
Some nights
the loneliness bites
chunks out of my brain.
Here & now,
I have not sunk that low.
I am mindful of my breath,
if bereft
of metta.
I breathe into my hara
and the illusion of tranquillity
is made manifest:
black and dense as syrup.
The emergency exit sign glows,
liquid crystal green
and so seductive.
even the Buddha
tried to waste himself once.
He said:
paradise is for humming birds and fools.
Counting the breaths,
the minutes, the hours, the days:
I perceive myself to be
beyond redemption.
No insipid Christ could carry me.
I am a slut to my expectations:
will spread my legs
For any worn out old promise.
One, two, three, four, five:
once you caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten:
then you let it go again.
Not waving, but drowning:
a fish-hook thru’ my cheek,
just under my right eye
the samhain moon
burning thru’ the windows
into the dull kernel of me.
La bella luna
pregnant and laughing:
she who oversaw
our first velvet velcro fuck -
galaxies bursting
out of your eyes,
filling my dull room
with wondrous incandescence.
Where are you this night?
Are you extinguished
like some overburnt candle?
Does yr beautiful head nestle
into yr lover’s soft belly?
Do the pair of you smile in your sleep,
like cats that have had too much cream?
There are three nightlights
guttering in my window
to keep the witches at bay.
I stand in tadasana,
trying to find my balance:
I’m a tree
blown in random winds.
I breathe slow and deep into my hara:
still counting,
but the moon hardly moves
stirring a longing
in my belly.
All work is property of Dee Sunshine.
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