Ray Bradbury (1920 - ) |
Winner of the O. Henry Memorial Award, among others, Ray Bradbury is known as "the world's greatest living science fiction writer"---though his work ranges far from the sci-fi category. His lyrical prose is unmatched. |
"Coda" by Ray Bradbury (on multiculturalism)
of Books
Dandelion Wine
The Illustrated Man
I Sing the Body Electric
The Martian Chronicles
R is for Rocket
S is for Space
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Machineries of Joy
Fahrenheit 451
The October Country
Zen in the Art of Writing
The Golden Apples of the Sun
The Halloween Tree
(not a complete list) |
"The instant something starts giving you a problem -- walk away from it. If it's getting you in trouble, don't pay attention to it 'cause it's going to love giving you that problem and blocking you. So you say, screw it, I'm gonna go do a poem, gonna go do part of a play. I'm gonna go swim. I can't teach people to write, but I can teach them short cuts to emotion. For instance, if you're working on a project that you're too familiar with -- like a novel, which takes forever to write, or even a short story that's giving you trouble -- you can write a poem, then borrow the energy from the poem and transfer it back to the novel. Don't look at the thing your writing -- if you re-read a thing, you're going to kill it! If you read it too often, then you're never going to want to finish the thing." "How long has it been since you wrote a story where your real love or your real hatred got onto the paper? What are the best things and worst things in your life, and when are you going to get around to whispering or shouting them? Find a character who will want something or not want something with all his heart. Give him running orders and then follow as fast as you can go. The character, in his great love, or hate, will rush you through to the end of the story." |
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