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Poetry by Vivien Steels 

Vivien lives in Nottingham, UK.



© 2006  Vivien Steels






Poems clutched behind my back,

light beneath your door,

corridor is dark and black,

my shadowed feet are bare.


The door swings open,

light shafts out,

I see inside your room.

Carpet -- red, seating -- warm,

The couch -- a sofa bed.


I sit and watch,

you watch and stare,

time falls, the hour glass fills.

My feet find yours, hands reach out.

The sapphire swallow sings.


Glazed window shifts to velvet sky,

garden grows in silver-green,

apple tree, its branches high

holds out its rosy-handed dream.


Expression merely masks your face,

your eyes are dark and black,

you read my thoughts, steal my space,

there is no going back.


The garden wall is broken down,

barrier gapes with blood.

there is the pain of being known,

as feelings flow in flood.


I know you now,

I knew you then,

your steps were all so muted.

Don't follow me,

don't lag behind,

your moves are convoluted.


Reveal your thoughts,

expose your gold

dug out of hidden rocks.

You understand,

you've held my hand,

you opened up the box.





All work is property of Vivien Steels.




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